March 26, 2024 | Giving Back

Spunt Carin Gives Back: Sarah’s Fund for Cedars

Spunt Carin Gives Back Sarah’s Fund for Cedars

On Friday, December 8, 2023, the Spunt and Carin team hosted another Spunt and Carin: Gives Back jean Friday in support of the charity Sarah’s Fund for Cedars. This charity was started in 2001 by Sarah Cook, an eight-year-old girl battling cancer, who was determined to help other patients at the Montreal Children’s Hospital by providing them with new pillows to make their stay easier. Since then, Sarah’s Fund keeps gaining momentum and continues its mission to improve the well-being of young cancer patients, their families, as well as the medical team.

Sarah’s Floor is a twelve-room in-patient unit and Day Centre for critically ill children from ages 0 to 18 years old who suffer from cancer and hematologic diseases. These young patients have specific needs and often experience long term hospital stays, which can be difficult and stressful. This floor has become the hub of the MUHC’s Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Division.

The facility was designed to meet the specific needs of its young patients with private bathrooms, natural light and direct access to critical departments. This floor creates a serene and home-like environment. It houses a library, television and game room as well as other services for patients’ families. The staff and volunteers who work on Sarah’s Floor understand the importance of creating a comfortable hospital experience that is as anxiety-free as possible for their young patients.

This particularly charity was chosen by our Director of Operations, Samantha who has a personal connection to Sarah’s floor and their patients there. She experienced firsthand the work of staff and volunteers who have made the space as welcoming and homelike. Also the importance stressed on providing the parents and guardians despite their hardship. The young patients relish in play and youthfulness despite of the circumstance that have brought them to Sarah’s floor.

“No matter how fun, I know no parent wants their child playing on that 7th floor,” Samantha shared, “But for those parents and loved ones that have no choice, it really did give us some relief that the children actually enjoy being there.”

Consider donating to Sarah’s Floor for Cedars using the following link:

Sarah's Fund logo