January 8, 2024 | Giving Back

Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation

Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation

On Friday, November 10, 2023, for our Spunt and Carin Gives Back jean day, Natalie chose that the proceeds collected from our team would be directed to the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation. Here are some key points from her presentation:

The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation provides services to families of sick children 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. These services include medication, medical equipment, transportation, meals, accommodations, and other necessities.

According to their website, a family with a sick child loses an average of 40% of their income while their child undergoes treatment. This is typically because one of the parents must stop working to be with their child.  The services provided by the foundation allow parents to remain by their child’s side without the burden of financial stress.

As a mother to two girls who have gone through some scary medical events, I can say with absolute certainty that you do not want to leave your child’s side for a moment. Even stepping away to go to the bathroom can feel like an eternity, when all you want to do is be there to comfort your child.

The foundation also helps further research for treatment and cures for childhood illnesses. Currently pediatric research only accounts for about 10% of research funding, so donations to the foundation help move this important research along further.

Why this is important to me:

I am very fortunate to have two healthy children, although both of my girls have asthma and have been rushed to the Children’s Hospital on multiple occasions for emergency treatment.  I have seen first-hand the amazing care that the doctors, nurses, and staff give to the children, and the support they give to terrified parents.

One particular episode that sticks out in my mind is when my eldest had an adverse reaction to her treatment which made her go tachycardic and put her into a cardiac emergency.  The doctors immediately jumped into action, while a nurse tasked herself with keeping me calm and informed while lights and alarms were going off behind me. Despite going through simultaneous cardiac and respiratory emergencies, it wasn’t long before she was back home, with her heart and breathing back under control, thanks to the phenomenal care she was given.

I am fortunate that my kids have never been hospitalized for more than a few days at a time, meaning that I haven’t had to give much thought to loss of income or the ability to meet my financial needs.  For parents of a child with a chronic illness, the services provided by the foundation mean that they don’t need to choose between bankruptcy and being with their sick child. It also means research towards a cure or better treatment. And it means getting support from the incredible staff during a time when they need it more than ever.

Using the following link, can donate directly to the Montreal Children’s Hospital: https://secure.fondationduchildren.com/site/Donation2?df_id=1500&mfc_pref=T&1500.donation=form1&s_locale=en_CA