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Family Mediation Lawyers in Montreal

Family Mediation Lawyer

Family mediation can be an attractive choice to people going through a separation, with or without children. Mediation is an alternative mode of conflict resolution whereby an impartial mediator meets with both parties to facilitate the amicable discussion and negotiation of a fair agreement that both parties are comfortable with.

Although highly encouraged in many cases, the process is completely voluntary and can only be conducted with the consent of both parties. Family mediation often helps reduce conflict and costs in the case involving separation, divorce, parenting time or support payments.

Once an agreement is reached, your mediator will prepare a summary of the agreement reached and then if the parties choose to do so, the summary will be legalized through the signature of a Consent to Judgment that is then homologated by the Superior Court.

At Spunt & Carin, our family mediator, Me Rebecca Etingin, is also a family law attorney, and it would be her privilege to accompany you through the process from start (mediation phase) all the way through to finish line (finalizing the process through the Quebec Superior court), as efficiently and as smoothly as possible.

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